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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Financial coaching and education

Create a financial plan that sets you on the path to financial stability

When you have extra money, it’s easy to talk about all the responsible things you should do with it. But when you find yourself not having enough money to take care of you and your family, you go into survival mode.
Remove that stress by taking control of your life. The OSU Extension Financial Coaching and Education program gives you the tools to break down your challenges into smaller, manageable pieces of a plan that works!
This free program has been created for individuals who want to improve their ability to become financially stable.

Individual coaching appointments are available in-person at the Coshocton County Extension Office or virtually online via Zoom. 

MONDAY – FRIDAY, 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM (also flexible, virtual evening hours)

For more details please contact: Emily Marrison, Educator Family and Consumer Sciences at 740-622-2265 or 

Financial Coaching consists of at least 3 sessions (1-1.5 hours each), over a 3-month time period, without children present. Please be prepared to share 1 month of receipts and a list of set expenses at the first session.  

Financial Record-Keeping Resources

Family Records: What to Keep Where and For How Long (North Dakota State University)

Getting Organized -- Personal and Financial Records (Iowa State University)

Organize Your Financial Records (Rutgers)

Resources During Tough Times

OSU Extension has compiled "COVID-19 - A Financial Resource Guide" to help you sort through resources that are applicable to us in Ohio. It features Individual Resources, Employee Resources, Small Business Resources, Available Ohio Food Access Options, Financial Wellness Resources & Consumer Protection, and Finding Local Resources.

Another reliable source of information is Resources for Economic Support on the Ohio Department of Health website

Other resources:

University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension (2020) Managing Your Personal Finances in Tough Times

University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension (2020) Financial Resources to Help Get Through COVID-19 

Olive, P. University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension. (March 2020) Dealing with a Drop in Income

Park, E. and Nelson, P.T., Surviving A Family Crisis. (2012) (Ed) Families Matter! A Newsletter Series for Parents of School-Age Youth. Newark, DE: Cooperative Extension, University of Delaware.  

University of Maryland Extension (2013) Helping Your Child Become Money Smart. Factsheet FS-962.    

America Saves - Where to Get Financial Help During the COVID-19 Crisis

National Consumer Law Center - Guide to Surviving Debt

Please share with anyone you think could benefit from this information. Updated 10/27/2020