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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Program Areas

  1. 4-H Youth

    Preparing Youth for Success

  2. Sustainable Food Systems * Environmental Quality * Engaged Ohioans, Vibrant Communities

    Coshocton County Agriculture and Natural Resources 2022 Annual Highlights

  3. Advancing Employment and Income Opportunities

    OSU Extension is a leader in community development education and an unbiased partner as strategies are implemented to achieve community and organizational goals.

    Our community development professionals enhance the well-being of communities and neighborhoods via interactive and collaborative partnerships with local businesses and organizations, community leaders and local officials.

  4. Better Lives. Stronger Communities.

  5. food lesson

    EFNEP (Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program) is a free nutrition education program offered in several counties in Ohio for low-income adults with children and youth. Program assistants use interactive discussions and hands-on activities to guide participants through a series of meetings aimed at improving the total family diet and nutritional well-being.

  6. The Coshocton County Master Gardener Volunteer program ended in early 2024 due to declining membership. For more than 20 years, dozens of Coshocton County Master Gardener Volunteers educated gardeners and homeowners about unbiased, research-based best practices and provided beautiful spaces throughout our communities. OSU Extension is grateful for the thousands of volunteer hours that were given.

  7. family shopping

    The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Education Program (SNAP-Ed) is a free nutrition education and obesity prevention program serving low-income adults and youth. It is funded by the Food Nutrition Service (FNS) branch of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). SNAP-Ed operates in 52 states and territories, and its focus audience is individuals and families eligible for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly known as food stamps).