If your Private Pesticide Applicator license expires on March 31, 2020 or your Fertilizer Applicator License expires in 2019 attend one our our sessions. Both sessions will be held at the Coshocton County Services Building, 724 S 7th Street, Room 145
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Pesticide: 9:00am- 12:00 noon, Light Lunch: 12:00- 12:15, Fertlizier: 12:15- 1:15
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Fertilizer: 5:15- 6:15pm, Light Dinner: 6:15- 6:30pm, Pesticide: 6:30- 9:30pm
Contact David Marrison if you have any questions at 740-622-2265 or marrison.2@osu.edu.