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OSU Extension

College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences


Pressure Canner Testing

Friday, June 11, 2021 - 10:00am to 1:00pm
Coshocton County OSU Extension Office
Contact email:
Contact name:
Emily Marrison
Contact phone:

Coshocton County OSU Extension is providing free pressure canner dial gauge testing on the following dates. Testing on Wednesday, May 19 and Friday, June 11 will be from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM at OSU Extension Office, Room 110, 724 S. 7th St., Coshocton. Testing on Saturday, July 10 will be from 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM at Auer Ace Hardware, 1961 Otsego Ave, Coshocton. Please schedule an appointment time by visiting .

Pressure canner gauges should be tested for accuracy each year. Over time as the canner lid is handled, bumped, and used, the calibration of a dial gauge can become inaccurate. Only the canner lid is needed for testing. Canners using weighted gauges do not require calibration.

Emily Marrison, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Educator, will conduct the testing and will also be available to answer questions. Stop by to get free home food preservation and nutrition information. Please contact OSU Extension at 740-622-2265 with any questions