***Important Date Change***
As rendering and burial options for livestock mortality become more limiting or restrictive, composting livestock mortality is a good and environmentally friendly alternative. To legally compost livestock mortality in Ohio, producers are required to attend a certification training. OSU Extension invites livestock producers to earn their Mortality Composting Certification on Monday, May 4 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Coshocton County Services Building, 724 S 7th Street, Room 145. Rory Lewandowski, Wayne County Extension will be the featured speaker for this program. Upon completion of the program, all participants will be certified in livestock mortality composting. The fee for this certification is $10 per person (but waived for Coshocton County residents). To register call our office, 740-622-2265, or email marrison.2@osu.edu to reserve your spot. Makes checks payable to OSU Extension and return to: OSU Extension, 724 S 7th Street, Room 110, Coshocton, OH 43812