The Extension Advisory Committee serves an important role in planning, conducting and evaluation of our local Extension educational programs and efforts. We thank them for the time they give in support of our programs!
Partners In Action
Lay-leader involvement is essential and assured by using advisory and program planning committees to identify the needs and interests of clientele and to determine Ohio State University Extension program direction. Every county must have an active Advisory Committee. The number and kinds of other Extension committees vary somewhat among counties and different sections of the state.
Advise * Assist * Support
Row 1: Mary Ann Anderson, Betsy Gosnell, Jamie Hoy, Shelley Batchelor, Jody Roach
Row 2: Josh Henderson, Lynn Jacobs, Art Saylor, Jason Given
2024 Coshocton County OSU Extension Advisory Committee
Name Term
May Ann Anderson 2022-2024
Kecia Buxton 2022-2024
Jason Given 2023-2025
Betsy Gosnell 2022-2024
Josh Henderson 2023-2025
Jamie Hoy 2023-2025
Lynn Jacobs 2023-2025
Jody Roach 2024-2026